Galaxy Star—- Lowest Price Android Phone of 2013

Galaxy Star is a new addition in the smartphone range of Samsung. There are certain qualities which are making it important than Galaxy S4, iPhone5 and HTC, the best smartphones of 2013.

With a very low price it seems to be the cheapest Android phone by a reputable company. Further 4.1 Jelly Bean is also provided in this set.

For millions of users who are thinking to move from feature phone to a smartphone Galaxy Star is the most appropriate and affordable choice.

As it has been launched few months back so we can now talk about its performance. It is a good Android phone and in this price it is probably the best in market. But to some extent it did not come up to the expectations.

Following points will help you to decide whether to buy this set or nor.

Cute Looking:

When everyone is having large screen smartphones using small sized Galaxy Star is a good change. It looks cute in its small size with curve edges. It is also bit thicker than other phones of same class which gives it a strong look. Its outer casing is of plastic but for giving it a modern look Samsung has given this plastic a metal finish. Overall it looks good in the hands of users.

Acceptable Screen Size:

In low price, though the screen size is not perfect but is acceptable. Its display is bright and sharp and touch is also smooth. Screen is small in size but still color quality is good.

Best for Using Internet:

OS has raised the worth of Galaxy Star.  Jelly Bean along with the TouchWiz user interface has made it possible for the user to enjoy Gmail, fb, twitter, Google and WhatsApp. All these facilities work well in the handset.

Good Apps and Quality Games:

Android Jelly Bean has enabled Galaxy Star to access to all apps. Further the hardware is so strong that it can support all these apps. Music players and all such apps can be easily installed but as far as games are concerned Temple Run etc., can be played but games which require heavy graphics cannot be played.

Acceptable Battery Timings:

Battery works for 14hrs. Though it is not awesome but is acceptable.

Decent Camera:

2MP and low resolution camera works well in daylight but it fails in the dark.  You can use the photo apps from Android store. All of them work well in Galaxy Star thus improves picture quality.

Low Resolution and Small Sized Screen:

Small screen is not a big issue but low resolution is bothering. It doesn’t matters when somebody is using feature phone but if you switch to Android phone expectations are higher. Though minor but small screen is a problem and we hope that next versions Samsung will address these problems along with price.

Slow Speed:

Though using Google, Facebook, twitter is speedy but using heavy apps slows down the speed of the cell. Low speed RAM will flush out the apps used in the memory to make space for active apps.

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